Anne Hegerty Weight Loss: How She Impressively Shed 14 Pounds! (Diet, Before & After)

Anne Hegerty, best known as The Governess in ITV’s hit quiz show ‘The Chase,’ has recently undergone a significant transformation in weight loss. After a year-long fitness journey, Anne has succeeded in losing two stone, which is an impressive achievement for the television star.

Anne has always been candid about her struggles with weight. Throughout her career, she has spoken openly about her battle with autism and how it can sometimes make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, in 2019, she decided to make a change and started to take a more active approach to her health and fitness.

With the help of a personal trainer and a balanced diet, Anne began her weight loss journey and has now shed two stone, equivalent to 28 pounds. Fans of The Chase will undoubtedly notice the difference in Anne’s appearance, and many have praised her for her incredible achievement.

Anne Hegerty’s Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

Anne Hegerty, best known as one of the chasers on the popular quiz show “The Chase”, has shown her impressive intelligence and made headlines for her incredible weight loss journey.

Anne has been candid in interviews about her struggles with her weight, revealing that it has been a lifelong battle for her. According to reports, Anne weighed as much as 20 stone (280 pounds) before she decided to take action.

Anne’s weight loss journey began in early 2019 when she entered the “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” jungle. During her time on the show, she lost an astonishing amount of weight – nearly one stone (14 pounds) in just three weeks.

But that was just the beginning. Anne continued her weight loss journey after leaving the jungle, embracing a healthier lifestyle and losing even more weight.

Anne’s remarkable weight loss journey has seen her shed an impressive four stones (56 pounds). However, it took a lot of work. Anne underwent numerous lifestyle and dietary changes, including cutting back on sugar and processed foods and incorporating more exercise into her daily routine.

The hard work has paid off, as Anne now looks and feels better. Not only has she transformed her physical appearance, but she has also improved her health and well-being.

Anne’s weight loss journey is an inspiring reminder that it’s never too late to make positive changes in your life. Anyone can achieve their weight loss goals by embracing a healthy lifestyle and making incremental changes.

Anne Hegerty, best known for her role on the popular game show The Chase, recently made headlines for her impressive weight loss journey. The TV personality has never shied away from discussing her struggles with weight, but now she’s sharing her secrets to shedding the pounds and keeping them off.

Her Secrets to Losing Weight and Keeping it Off

1. Mindful Eating

One of the biggest changes Anne made was to practice mindful eating. She revealed that she stopped eating in front of her laptop or TV and instead sat down and enjoyed her meals without any distractions. By doing this, she found she was more aware of what she was eating and when she was full, helping her to avoid overeating.

2. Cutting Out Processed Foods

Another key factor in Anne’s weight loss success was cutting out processed foods from her diet. Instead, she focused on eating whole, natural foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Not only did this help her lose weight, but it also gave her more energy and made her feel better overall.

3. Daily Exercise

Anne also made exercise a part of her daily routine, which helped her not only lose weight but also improve her overall health. She didn’t make extreme changes but instead focused on incorporating more physical activity into her daily life. This included going for walks, yoga, and other low-impact exercises.

4. Mindset Shift

Finally, Anne made a shift in her mindset when it came to weight loss. Instead of viewing it as a quick fix or diet, she approached it as a lifestyle change. She could see real progress and make lasting improvements to her health and well-being by making small, sustainable changes to her daily habits.

Anne’s weight loss journey proves that sustainable changes and healthy habits are key to long-term success. By focusing on mindful eating, cutting out processed foods, incorporating exercise into her daily routine, and making a mindset shift, she was able to achieve her weight loss goals and keep the weight off for good.

The Role of Diet in Anne Hegerty’s Weight Loss

Anne Hegerty has been renowned for her intellectual prowess on the popular ITV game show “The Chase.” However, the focus has shifted to her incredible weight loss journey in recent years. Anne Hegerty has lost over two stone in weight—a transformation that has garnered praise and admiration.

One of the reasons for Anne’s noticeable weight loss is undoubtedly due to her diet. A low-calorie diet and healthy eating habits have been the backbone of Anne’s weight loss journey. Her diet included:

  • Reducing calorie intake: Anne took in fewer calories than her body required daily. She achieved this by eating smaller, well-portioned meals and choosing low-calorie foods.
  • Cutting out unhealthy snacks: Anne abstained from snacks like crisps, chocolates, and biscuits and chose healthier options like fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoiding high-fat foods: Anne avoided high-fat foods such as fried foods, butter, cream, and cheese, among others.
  • Increasing protein intake: To replace the calories she cut out, Anne ensured that she consumed more high-protein foods, keeping her full and satisfied for longer.

Anne Hegerty’s diet was not restrictive, and it’s clear that she allowed herself some treats from time to time. However, the goal was maintaining a calorie deficit to lose weight while enjoying healthy and delicious foods.

In summary, Anne Hegerty’s weight loss journey has been commendable. Her diet played a crucial role in her transformation, and it’s evident that adopting healthy eating habits is a sustainable way to keep the weight off.

Anne Hegerty’s Exercise Routine

Anne Hegerty has been open about her weight loss journey and has shared details about her exercise routine. While her weight loss journey was primarily focused on changing her diet, exercise played an important role in helping her reach her goals. Here’s a look at Anne’s exercise routine:

1. Walking

Anne has cited walking as one of her favorite forms of exercise. She enjoys a brisk walk outdoors and has mentioned that she tries to walk as much as possible, even just for short distances like the local shops. Walking is a great, low-impact exercise that can help lose weight and improve cardiovascular health.

2. Dancing

In addition to walking, Anne is a fan of dancing. She has mentioned participating in dance classes and enjoys learning new styles. Dancing is a fun way to get moving and burn calories while improving coordination and balance.

3. Swimming

Anne has also incorporated swimming into her exercise routine. Swimming is a great full-body workout that can help improve stamina and build muscle strength. It is also a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints.

4. Weight Training

Finally, Anne has mentioned incorporating weight training into her routine. She has said that she lifts weights and performs resistance exercises using equipment such as resistance bands. Weight training can help increase muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss. It can also help improve bone density and overall strength.

Anne’s exercise routine combines cardio, strength training, and low-impact exercises. By incorporating various activities and finding forms of exercise she enjoys, Anne has been able to stick to her routine and achieve her weight loss goals.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Long-Term Results

Anne Hegerty’s weight loss journey has been inspiring, but it’s important to note that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to achieving long-term results. Here are some tips and strategies for maintaining weight loss and overall health:

1. Implement Healthy Habits

Small changes in daily routines can go a long way for overall health. Anne Hegerty focused on implementing healthy habits, such as drinking more water and getting enough rest. Making sure to get enough movement is also important. Physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and build muscle.

2. Plan Meals Ahead of Time

Meal planning is an essential component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Anne Hegerty planned her meals ahead of time to ensure that she was consuming a balanced diet and staying within her calorie budget. Planning and preparing meals in advance helps to minimize the temptation of eating unhealthy fast food and makes it easier to control portions.

3. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key for achieving long-term weight loss results. Anne Hegerty dedicated herself to her healthy lifestyle and didn’t give up, even when faced with setbacks. By making small, sustainable changes each day and staying consistent, it’s possible to achieve and maintain weight loss goals.

4. Find a Support System

A supportive network can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Anne Hegerty found encouragement and accountability through friends, family, and online support groups. Having people to turn to during difficult times can help to keep motivation high and dedication strong.

5. Celebrate Milestones

Finally, it’s important to celebrate milestones and acknowledge progress. Anne Hegerty celebrated her weight loss milestones by treating herself to non-food rewards, such as a new workout outfit or a spa day. Celebrating accomplishments helps to maintain motivation and encourages further progress toward weight loss and overall health goals.

By implementing healthy habits, planning meals ahead of time, staying consistent, finding a supportive network, and celebrating milestones, it’s possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle and achieve long-term results.


In conclusion, Anne Hegerty has undergone an impressive weight loss journey that has significantly improved her health and well-being. Through her dedication to a healthier lifestyle, she has lost a remarkable amount of weight while inspiring others to make positive changes in their lives.

Anne’s journey began with a commitment to regular exercise and healthier food choices, which she credits as the key factors in her weight loss success. As a result, Anne has shed pounds and feel better by embracing a balanced diet and incorporating physical activity into her daily routine.

But it’s not just about the numbers on the scale. Anne’s weight loss has also positively impacted her mental health, boosting her confidence and self-esteem. She has been open about the struggles she has faced in the past with body image, but her weight loss journey has helped her overcome those challenges and feel more comfortable in her skin.

Overall, Anne’s weight loss journey is an inspiring example of the power of determination and self-care. By making healthy choices and prioritizing her well-being, she has achieved incredible results and has become a role model for others. Congratulations to Anne on her success!