Darienne Lake Weight Loss Journey: Shedding 100 Pounds! (Diet, Before & After)

Darienne Lake, born Greg Meyer, is an American drag queen and reality television personality best known for her appearance in the sixth season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Darienne has been candid about her struggles with weight and has been working hard to shed some pounds for her health. Since her stint on the show, there has been a lot of curiosity among fans about Darienne Lake weight loss journey.

In the past, Darienne has openly discussed her difficulties while trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle as a drag queen. She has shared that many of her performances involve wearing heavy costumes and elaborate makeup, which can be quite taxing on the body. Despite the challenges, Darienne has continued to work towards losing weight and living a more balanced life.

Over the last few years, Darienne has made significant progress in her weight loss journey. She has undergone weight loss surgery and has been working with a nutritionist to change her diet positively. In addition, through her social media posts, Darienne has been transparent about her struggles and has gained a lot of support from fans inspired by her determination to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Darienne Lake’s Weight Loss Journey

Darienne Lake, the popular drag queen known for her performances on RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6, has undergone a significant weight loss journey. Darienne has always been confident and comfortable in her body, but she decided to lose weight to improve her health and become a better performer.

Starting Point

Darienne started her weight loss journey in 2012, weighing 260 pounds. She focused on her health by paying more attention to what she ate and exercising regularly. She started this journey independently, without specific diet plans or trainers. Instead, she made small changes to her daily routine to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Diet and Exercise

Darienne’s weight loss journey focused on a balanced diet and exercise routine. She cut down on processed and sugary foods and incorporated more whole foods and vegetables into her diet. Darienne also started an exercise routine that consisted of cardio and weight lifting, which helped her to burn fat and build muscle.

Darienne had to overcome unhealthy habits and stick to a strict routine. She credits her success to discipline, motivation, and consistency. Darienne’s weight loss journey is a testament to the power of dedication.


Today, Darienne Lake has lost over 50 pounds and continues to inspire fans and others to live a healthier lifestyle. Darienne’s weight loss journey reminds us that anyone can achieve their health and fitness goals with the right mindset.

Here are some of the important numbers related to Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey:

Starting weightCurrent weightTotal weight lost
260 poundsLess than 210 poundsOver 50 pounds

Overall, Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey is an inspiring story of someone who decided to make a change and stick to it. We can learn from her dedication and commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Darienne Lake’s Diet and Exercise Plan

Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey started with a combination of a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine. Here are the details of her diet and exercise plan:

Diet Plan

  • Darienne began by cutting down on junk food and consuming more whole foods rich in nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.
  • She also reduced her intake of processed foods and sugar-laden drinks.
  • Instead of snacking on chips and candy bars, she focused on healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, and fresh fruits.
  • She made sure to eat a balanced diet containing adequate protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
  • Darienne also practiced portion control to ensure she didn’t overeat and stayed within her calorie limits.

Exercise Plan

  • Darienne’s exercise regimen included a mix of cardio and strength training exercises.
  • She started by doing low-intensity cardio, such as walking, and gradually increased the intensity as her fitness level improved.
  • She also included weight training exercises such as squats, lunges, and bicep curls to build muscle and increase her metabolism.
  • Darienne aimed to exercise for at least 30 minutes to an hour daily, 5 days a week being her minimum target.
  • She also participated in group exercise classes such as yoga, Pilates, and dance classes to stay motivated.

Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey is a testament to the fact that a healthy diet and regular exercise are the key to achieving sustainable weight loss. It is important to note that everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s always advisable to consult a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise plan.

Challenges Faced by Darienne Lake During Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and for Darienne Lake, it was no different. The famous drag queen known for her appearance in RuPaul’s Drag Race experienced many obstacles to shedding significant weight. Here are some of the challenges she faced during her weight loss journey:

1. Changing Her Eating Habits

One of the most significant challenges that Darienne Lake faced during her weight loss journey was changing her eating habits. She had to give up her favorite high-calorie foods and switch to a healthier diet with more vegetables and lean protein. She also had to learn to control her portions and stay within her daily calorie limit.

2. Incorporating Exercise into Her Routine

Another major challenge was incorporating exercise into her daily routine. As a famous drag queen, Darienne Lake had a busy schedule that often left her with little time for physical activity. However, she had to find a way to prioritize exercise and started working out regularly to help burn calories and boost her metabolism.

3. Staying Motivated

Weight loss is challenging, and staying motivated can often be difficult. Darienne Lake faced many ups and downs during her journey and had to find ways to stay motivated even when things got tough. She shared her journey on social media to keep herself accountable and inspire others on a similar path.

Overall, Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey was not easy, but through hard work and determination, she shed a significant amount of weight and became healthier. Changing her eating habits, incorporating exercise into her routine, and staying motivated showed that anything is possible with the right mindset.

The Impact of Weight Loss on Darienne Lake’s Career

Darienne Lake is a drag queen and performer who, like many others, has experienced ups and downs in her career. One of the factors that has had a significant impact on her career is her weight loss journey.

Improved Health

Darienne Lake has talked about her health benefits of losing weight. Before losing weight, she struggled with knee pain and other health issues. Now that she has lost weight, she can move around and perform for longer periods. This has allowed her to take on more gigs and pursue opportunities in the drag community.

Increased Confidence

Losing weight has also boosted Darienne Lake’s confidence on and off stage. She has talked about feeling more comfortable in her skin now that she has shed some pounds. This newfound confidence has led to more ambitious performances and a greater willingness to try new things.

Broader Appeal

While Darienne Lake has always had a loyal fan base, her weight loss has helped her connect with a broader audience. She has become a role model to people who are struggling with weight issues and has inspired many with her journey. Her message of perseverance and self-acceptance has resonated with fans from all walks of life.

More Opportunities

Perhaps the most significant impact of Darienne Lake’s weight loss on her career is the increased number of opportunities that have come her way. She has been able to land more gigs, perform at bigger venues, and collaborate with other artists in the drag community. Her success has also led to new partnership and sponsorship deals.

In short, Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey has significantly impacted her career. She has experienced improved health, increased confidence, a broader appeal, and more opportunities. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of hard work and dedication.

In this section, we’ll share tips from Darienne Lake on maintaining a healthy lifestyle after weight loss. Darienne has accomplished an incredible weight loss journey and wants to share her tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These tips are for those who have undergone weight loss and for anyone seeking to lead a healthy and happy life.

Consistency is Key

Darienne emphasizes the importance of consistency in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This means developing healthy habits that will be sustainable in the long term. Consistency is key for maintaining your goals, avoiding setbacks, and staying on track toward a healthier lifestyle.

Get Moving

Regular exercise is another important factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Darienne suggests finding an activity you enjoy, such as yoga or dance, to make physical activity fun and something you’ll look forward to. Exercising also has numerous benefits beyond weight loss, including improving mood, reducing stress, and increasing overall health.

Mind Your Eating Habits

Darienne emphasizes the importance of eating mindfully and paying attention to portion sizes. She also encourages people to include whole, nutrient-dense foods, rather than focusing on strict diets or counting calories. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a chore; it can be enjoyable and satisfying.

Find Support

Having a support system is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s friends, family, or a community group, having people who encourage and motivate you can make all the difference. Darienne suggests finding a group of like-minded individuals who can provide support and accountability as you work towards your goals.

Keep Your Goals in Mind

Finally, Darienne reminds us to stay connected to our goals. She suggests regularly reflecting on why we started on our journey and keeping our goals and motivations in mind as we face challenges and setbacks. Remembering why we started can help motivate us to keep pushing forward and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

By following these tips from Darienne Lake, you can enjoy a healthier life and maintain your weight loss journey. Remember that consistency, movement, mindful eating, support, and motivation are all key factors in leading a healthy and happy life.

The Darienne Lake Weight Loss journey has inspired and motivated many people. Through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to health and wellness, Darienne has transformed her body and improved her overall well-being.

Throughout her weight loss journey, Darienne has faced many challenges and obstacles. However, through her determination and perseverance, she was able to push past these challenges and reach her goals.

One of the key factors in Darienne’s weight loss success has been her focus on healthy eating habits. Adopting a balanced and nutritious diet could fuel her body with the nutrients it needs to support her weight loss goals.

Additionally, Darienne incorporated regular exercise into her routine, which helped her to build strength, boost her metabolism, and burn fat. By making time for physical activity, she achieved impressive results and her desired physique.

Overall, the success of Darienne Lake’s weight loss journey is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and commitment to one’s health and wellness goals. Anyone can achieve similar results by adopting healthy habits and maintaining a positive mindset.