Dascha Polanco Weight Loss Journey: Losing Incredible 20 Pounds! (Diet, Before & After)

Dascha Polanco, a Dominican-American actress, gained popularity for her acting skills in Netflix’s Orange is the New Black. However, in recent years, she has also gained attention for her impressive weight loss journey.

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey began after she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, which leads to an underactive thyroid and makes weight loss more challenging. But, despite the diagnosis, she was determined to improve her health. With the help of a nutritionist and personal trainer, Polanco was able to shed over 20 pounds and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Polanco attributes her success in losing weight to regular exercise and a balanced diet. Her workout routine consists of various exercises such as running and weightlifting, and she has emphasized the importance of finding a form of enjoyable exercise to stay motivated. Polanco has also encouraged others to prioritize their mental health during the weight loss, emphasizing the importance of self-love and self-acceptance.

Starting out

Before her transformation, Polanco had a curvy figure that many people admired. However, she had always struggled with weight issues and was not proud of her body. In an interview with Vogue magazine in 2016, she revealed that a casting director once told her she needed to lose weight to succeed in the entertainment industry.

How she did it

Polanco started her weight loss journey by making changes to her diet. She cut out processed foods and sugary drinks and replaced them with healthier options. She also started portion control and made sure that she drank plenty of water throughout the day.

In addition to altering her diet, Polanco began incorporating exercise into her daily routine. She started by doing light exercises such as walking and gradually moved on to more intense workouts like strength training and cardio.


Through hard work, dedication, and a disciplined lifestyle, Polanco achieved a major transformation in her body. Her new figure had a slimmer waist, toned abs, and shapely arms and legs.

In an interview with Glamour magazine in 2018, she stated that her motivation came from wanting to be healthy and feel good about herself. She also emphasized the importance of loving oneself and not succumbing to societal pressures.

Polanco’s weight loss journey was not easy, but her determination and hard work eventually paid off. She serves as an inspiration to anyone who is struggling with their weight or body image. With the right mindset and a commitment to healthy living, anyone can achieve their desired body shape and size.

Dascha Polanco, known for her role in the Netflix series Orange is the New Black, has been open about her weight loss journey. She has attributed her success to healthy eating habits and regular exercise.

Her diet plan and nutrition choices

Polanco advocates for a balanced approach to nutrition, emphasizing the importance of consuming various foods. She incorporates protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, and tofu into her meals, as well as leafy greens and other vegetables.

To keep her energy levels up, Polanco often snacks throughout the day. Some of her go-to snacks include nuts, fruit, and hummus with celery sticks. She also stresses the importance of staying hydrated and tries to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

According to her Instagram posts, Polanco tries to limit her consumption of processed foods and sugary drinks. She also avoids late-night snacking, opting for a lighter dinner and allowing her body time to digest before bed.

While she does enjoy indulging in occasional treats, Polanco emphasizes the importance of moderation. She encourages her followers to make small, sustainable changes to their eating habits rather than attempting drastic diets or restrictions.

Overall, Polanco’s approach to nutrition is centered around balance and variety. By incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods into her diet and listening to her body’s hunger and fullness cues, Polanco has achieved a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle.

How Exercise Played a Role in Dascha Polanco’s Weight Loss

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey is an inspiration for many. She has undergone a substantial transformation, shedding pounds and building muscle to become healthier. One of the key factors in her weight loss was her exercise regimen.

Incorporating Exercise into Her Routine

Polanco began her weight loss journey by focusing on her diet. She cut out processed foods and incorporated more whole foods into her meals. Once she established a healthy eating pattern, she added exercise to the mix.

At first, Polanco started with basic exercises such as walking and light jogging. Then, as she gained stamina, she began incorporating more challenging workouts, including strength and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). By varying her workouts, she was able to prevent boredom and keep her body challenged.

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise played a significant role in Polanco’s weight loss journey. Here are some of how fitness helped her to achieve her goals:

  • Burned calories: Exercise burns calories, which helped Polanco to create a calorie deficit and lose weight.
  • Built muscle: Strength training helped Polanco to build muscle, which in turn helped to boost her metabolism and burn more calories even at rest.
  • Boosted energy levels: Exercise helped Polanco to feel more energized throughout the day, which helped her to stay motivated and focused on her fitness goals.
  • Reduced stress: Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve mental health. By reducing stress, Polanco was better able to stick to her healthy habits and maintain a positive attitude.

Polanco’s Exercise Routine

Polanco’s exercise routine is no doubt challenging, but it is achievable with persistence and hard work.

Here is a breakdown of Polanco’s workout regimen:

  • Strength Training: 2-3 times per week, Polanco performs strength training exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and lunges.
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): 2-3 times per week, Polanco performs HIIT workouts, which typically involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods.
  • Cardiovascular Exercise: 1-2 times per week, Polanco performs cardiovascular exercises such as cycling, rowing, or running to build endurance and improve cardiovascular health.

Exercise played a crucial role in Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey. By incorporating a variety of workouts into her routine, Polanco was able to burn calories, build muscle, boost her energy levels, and reduce stress. Anyone can achieve similar results with dedication and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Her Mental Health and Self-Care Practices

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey is not just about the physical transformation but also about her mental and emotional health. She has been open about how her mental health and self-care practices have significantly impacted her weight loss journey. Here are some of the practices that she follows:

Mindfulness and Gratitude

Dascha Polanco engages in mindfulness and gratitude. She practices being present at the moment and appreciating the little things in life. As a result, she finds it easier to maintain a positive mindset. In addition, she avoids stress eating, which is often triggered by negative emotions.


Dascha Polanco has also been open about her experience with therapy. She has shared that she started going to therapy to work through past traumas and emotional issues affecting her mental and emotional health. Therapy has helped her to develop healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills. It has also provided her with a safe space to discuss her thoughts and feelings without judgment.


Exercise is a crucial aspect of self-care, especially for weight loss patients. Dascha Polanco’s exercise routine includes a combination of strength training and cardio. Exercise helps her stay physically fit and improves her mental health by releasing endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good chemicals.

Healthy Eating Habits

Dascha Polanco’s journey towards a healthier lifestyle also includes adopting healthy eating habits. She follows a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. In addition, she avoids processed foods and sugar as much as possible and stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

In conclusion, Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey has been about physical transformation and improving her mental and emotional health. Her self-care practices of mindfulness and gratitude, therapy, exercise, and healthy eating habits have helped her achieve her goals while improving her overall well-being.

Celebrating the Positive Impact of Dascha Polanco’s Weight Loss Journey

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey has been inspiring for many reasons. She has shown that hard work, dedication, and perseverance can make a significant difference in achieving one’s goals. In this section, we will discuss the various positive impacts of Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey and how it has affected her personal and professional life.

Improved Health

One of the most significant positive impacts of Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey is her improved health. With a healthier weight, she has a lower risk of developing health complications such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. In addition, she has more energy and stamina, allowing her to pursue her career and personal goals with greater ease.

Enhanced Confidence

As Dascha Polanco has shed pounds, she has gained a newfound sense of confidence. Her weight loss has helped her feel more comfortable and confident in her skin, translating into all areas of her life. She has expressed her newfound confidence through her fashion choices and has even started her fashion line called “Dascha x OOTD.”

Positive Role Model

Dascha Polanco has become a positive role model for people of all ages, races, and body sizes through her weight loss journey. She has shown that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. In addition, she has encouraged others to embrace their own unique bodies and love themselves throughout their weight loss journeys.

Increased Opportunities

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey has also opened up new opportunities for her professionally. With her newfound confidence and energy, she has pursued roles that she may not have considered. She has also been invited to speak at various events and conferences to share her weight loss journey and inspire others.

In conclusion, Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey has had many positive impacts on her life and has inspired many others to embark on their weight loss journeys. Through hard work and dedication, she has improved her health, gained confidence, become a positive role model, and unlocked new opportunities in her career.


In conclusion, Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey has inspired many. She has documented her progress on social media, providing a glimpse into her dedication and hard work. Polanco has shown that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with resilience and consistency.

  • With dedication and hard work, anyone can lose weight: Dascha Polanco’s transformation serves as a reminder that weight loss takes effort. She committed herself to a healthy lifestyle and stuck with it.
  • Support and encouragement are vital: Polanco credited her trainer, Anthoni Beamon, for helping her stay motivated throughout her journey. However, having a support system made all the difference.
  • Small changes can lead to big results: Polanco opted for a gradual approach, making simple changes to her diet and exercise over time. This approach allowed her to make sustainable progress.

Dascha Polanco’s weight loss journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and consistency. She has shown that anyone can achieve their fitness goals with the right mindset and a willingness to make changes.