Paddy McGuinness Weight Loss: Shedding an Impressive 14 Pounds! (Diet, Before & After)

Paddy McGuinness has been making headlines for his impressive weight loss journey. The British comedian, known for hosting popular TV shows such as “Take Me Out” and “Top Gear,” has recently revealed that he shed over two stone in just four months.

McGuinness has been vocal about his health struggles in the past, including his battle with arthritis and Hashimoto’s disease. However, the 47-year-old star has significantly changed his lifestyle to improve his health and well-being.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into Paddy McGuinness’ weight loss journey, exploring his strategies and changes to shed pounds. Whether you’re looking to lose weight yourself or simply interested in learning more about successful weight loss stories, you’re in the right place.

Paddy McGuinness: His Journey to Fitness

Paddy McGuinness has undergone a significant transformation over the past few years. The comedian used to be overweight but shed the extra pounds by committing to a strict fitness regimen. During an interview with The Sun, Paddy revealed that he had lost three stone and now weighed in at just over 12 stone.

Paddy has always been open about his struggles with his weight. In an interview with ITV’s Lorraine, Paddy shared that he had been diagnosed with a form of arthritis that had made exercise a difficult task. But even with that challenge, he overcame it to achieve his fitness goals.

Paddy’s weight loss journey was not an overnight success, requiring hard work and dedication. He changed his lifestyle by adopting a healthy diet and a consistent exercise routine, which included lifting weights, cardio exercises, and yoga.

Paddy McGuinness’s Weight Loss Secrets

Paddy McGuinness’s weight loss secrets are nothing out of the ordinary. He maintains a balanced diet focusing on protein-rich foods, vegetables, and healthy fats. Paddy also avoids processed foods, sugars, and alcohol. He also incorporates different forms of exercise into his daily routine, allowing him to keep the weight off and stay in top shape.

Paddy McGuinness’s journey to fitness inspires many, showing that it’s possible to achieve your fitness goals with dedication and hard work. We hope learning about Paddy’s journey will motivate and inspire our readers to start their fitness journey.

What Led to Paddy McGuinness’ Decision to Lose Weight?

Paddy McGuinness is a British comedian, actor, and television presenter. He is best known for hosting popular TV shows such as Take Me Out, Stars in Their Eyes, and Top Gear. Paddy has struggled with his weight throughout his career, which has been discussed among his fans and followers.

In 2019, Paddy revealed that he had gained three stone in weight in just three months. The sudden weight gain was due to a combination of factors, including a poor diet, lack of exercise, and a busy work schedule. Paddy admitted that he had not been taking care of his health and had let himself go, affecting his personal and professional life.

The turning point for Paddy came after a health scare in 2013 when he was diagnosed with arthritis. Doctors informed him that his weight caused his condition and advised him to lose weight to manage his symptoms. Despite the diagnosis, Paddy struggled with his weight until 2019, when he decided to take control of his health.

Paddy’s decision to lose weight was motivated by several factors, including:

  • His health: Paddy realized that his weight was affecting his health and quality of life. He wanted to manage his arthritis symptoms and reduce his risk of developing other health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
  • His family: Paddy is a father of three young children and wants to be a positive role model for his family. He wanted to show his children the importance of healthy eating and exercise and encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  • His career: As a TV presenter, Paddy’s appearance is essential to his job. He felt self-conscious about his weight and wanted to improve his confidence and image on screen.

Paddy embarked on a strict diet and exercise regimen to achieve his weight loss goal. He started eating a balanced diet, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. He also cut down on processed and sugary foods and reduced his alcohol intake. In addition, Paddy started working out regularly, incorporating cardio and weight training into his routine.

Paddy’s weight loss journey has inspired many people struggling with health and weight. His determination and commitment to his health have paid off, and he has successfully lost weight and improved his overall health and well-being.

Paddy McGuinness’ Workout Routine

Paddy McGuinness’ impressive weight loss journey has inspired many people to adopt a healthier lifestyle. But what was the secret to his success? As it turns out, diet alone wasn’t the only factor – Paddy also dedicated himself to a rigorous workout routine. Here’s a closer look at his routine:

Strength Training

Paddy’s primary focus was building muscles, which helped him shed fat and tone his body. His strength training routine included compound exercises that targeted multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. He would typically perform three sets of each exercise, with 8-12 reps per set.


While strength training was essential, Paddy also incorporated cardio into his routine to boost his metabolism and increase fat burning. His preferred form of cardio was running, but he also mixed things up with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and boxing sessions.


One of the most critical aspects of Paddy’s transformation was his dedication to consistency. He worked out six days a week and maintained a strict diet while allowing himself the occasional cheat meal. Paddy credits his success to keeping himself motivated, no matter how difficult it got.


Speaking of motivation, Paddy’s journey was also fueled by his desire to be a positive role model for his children. He wanted to set an example of healthy living and show them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

In conclusion, Paddy’s transformation resulted from a dedicated workout routine focused on strength training and cardio. However, the real key to his success was his consistency and motivation, which allowed him to push through any obstacles and achieve his goals.

Paddy McGuinness, known for his roles as a comedian and television presenter, has been on a weight loss journey for the past year. With a combination of diet and exercise, he has achieved impressive results.

So, what exactly does Paddy McGuinness eat daily to maintain his weight loss goals? According to interviews, he has shared his diet plan, which involves making healthier food choices while still allowing for occasional indulgences:

  • Breakfast: Paddy starts his day with a protein-rich breakfast, such as eggs, avocado, or porridge with berries.
  • Lunch: Paddy typically eats a salad or soup with plenty of veggies and a lean protein such as grilled chicken or fish.
  • Dinner: Paddy’s dinner usually consists of grilled meats (like steak or chicken) or fish with plenty of vegetables. He avoids heavy carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, or bread.
  • Snacks: When he gets hungry between meals, Paddy reaches for natural snacks like nuts, seeds, and fruit.

Paddy also enjoys intermittent fasting, which involves eating within a specific time window each day. He typically fasts for around 16 hours overnight and eats within an 8-hour window during the day. This has been shown to have numerous health benefits besides aiding in weight loss.

It’s important to note that everyone’s dietary needs and goals differ, and what works for Paddy McGuinness may only work for some. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.

Overall, Paddy McGuinness’ diet plan emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods and lean proteins while avoiding heavy carbohydrates. Combined with intermittent fasting and a consistent exercise routine, it has helped him achieve impressive weight loss results.

Paddy McGuinness’ Weight Loss Results: Before and After

Paddy McGuinness, the English comedian known for his work on shows such as “Take Me Out”, has been on a weight loss journey that has impressed many. Paddy has been open about his struggles with weight and health and has shared his journey with his fans and followers on social media.

Through hard work and dedication, Paddy has achieved impressive weight loss results. Here is a breakdown of his journey:

Starting point

When Paddy began his weight loss journey in 2018, he weighed 18 stone (252 pounds / 114 kg) and had a body mass index (BMI) of 34.6, considered obese. Paddy shared a photo on his Instagram account to show his starting point, admitting that he had “let things slide” and was now committed to making a change.

The weight loss journey

Paddy’s weight loss journey began with a focus on exercise and healthy eating habits. He started exercising regularly and following a healthy diet low in carbs and protein.

In addition to exercise and diet, Paddy also reduced alcohol and started drinking more water. He shared his progress with his followers on social media, encouraging others to join him in leading a healthier lifestyle.


After several months of hard work, Paddy achieved terrific results. By January 2019, he had lost two stone (28 pounds / 13 kg), and his body mass index (BMI) had dropped to 30.5, considered overweight. He posted a photo on Instagram to show his progress, thanking his supporters and noting that he was still on his weight loss journey.

By August 2019, Paddy had lost four stone (56 pounds / 25 kg), and his BMI had dropped to 27.1, considered a healthy weight. He shared another photo on social media to show his transformation, noting that he had achieved his weight loss goal but would continue focusing on his health and fitness.


Paddy McGuinness’ weight loss journey inspires many and shows what can be achieved through hard work and dedication. He has managed to lose a substantial amount of weight and improve his health by adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. His progress proves that achieving impressive results with the right mindset and commitment is possible.

In conclusion, Paddy McGuinness’ weight loss journey is an inspiring story of dedication and perseverance toward a healthier lifestyle. Through regular exercise and a balanced diet, he has managed to shed a significant amount of weight and improve his overall well-being.

Throughout his journey, Paddy has emphasized the importance of self-care and making sustainable lifestyle changes. He has also been open about the mental health benefits of regular exercise and leading a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important to note that weight loss is a personal journey, and everyone’s path to success may look different. Paddy’s journey serves as a reminder that with hard work and determination, it’s possible to make positive changes to improve one’s health and well-being.

We commend Paddy McGuinness for his dedication to improving his health and inspiring others to do the same. His journey is a reminder that small, consistent changes can lead to significant physical and mental results.