Remy Ma Weight Loss Journey: Secrets to Her Incredible 70-Pound Transformation Revealed! (Diet, Before & After)

Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar, known professionally as Cardi B, isn’t the only female rapper who has transformed her body in recent years. Remy Ma, a Grammy-nominated rapper from the Bronx, New York, has undergone an impressive weight loss transformation that has left fans in awe.

Remy Ma, born Reminisce Smith, has a long history in the music industry, with her debut album “There’s Something About Remy: Based on a True Story” released in 2006. However, she took an unfortunate hiatus from her career after being convicted of assault in 2008 and sentenced to 8 years. After being released in 2014, she resumed her music career and has been making waves since.

Remy Ma’s weight loss journey has been making headlines, with the rapper losing an estimated 50 pounds. Her transformation is a testament to her dedication and hard work, inspiring her fans and followers to do the same. This article examines how Remy Ma achieved her weight loss goals and what lessons we can learn from her journey.

The Story of Remy Ma’s Weight Loss Journey

Remy Ma is a well-known rapper and reality TV personality who has been open about her struggles with weight. In recent years, she committed to her health and embarked on a weight loss journey that has earned her much praise and attention. Here is the story of Remy Ma’s weight loss journey:

1. The Turning Point

Remy Ma has spoken candidly about how being incarcerated for six years affected her weight and overall health. She gained a significant amount of weight while in prison, and after her release, she found it challenging to achieve a healthy weight. However, in 2016, she committed to a healthier lifestyle after suffering a miscarriage.

2. Diet Changes

Remy Ma made some significant changes to her diet to shed the pounds. She cut out processed foods and sugar and ate more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. She also adopted a low-carb diet, which helped her lose weight quickly.

3. Exercise Routine

While changing her diet was crucial, Remy Ma knew exercise was essential for her weight loss goals. She began working with a personal trainer and began a rigorous exercise routine, including strength training and cardio workouts.

4. Results

Remy Ma’s hard work paid off, and she lost significant weight. She went from a size 14 to an 8 in just a year. She credits her weight loss success to her commitment to a healthier lifestyle and her family’s support.


Here are some facts and data related to Remy Ma’s weight loss journey:

  • Starting weight: Not disclosed.
  • Maximum observed weight: Around 250 pounds (before pregnancy).
  • Clothing size at the start of her journey: Size 14.
  • Clothing size after weight loss: Size 8.
  • Timeframe: Remy Ma lost most of her weight in the first year of her weight loss journey.
  • Diet: Low-carb, whole foods diet with no processed foods or sugar.
  • Exercise routine: A rigorous regime of strength training and cardio workouts with a personal trainer.
  • Key to success: Commitment to a healthy lifestyle and support from family.

In conclusion, Remy Ma’s weight loss journey inspires anyone struggling to achieve a healthy weight. Her commitment to a healthier lifestyle and dedication to her fitness goals has paid off, and she is now in better shape and health than she’s been in years.

Remy Ma’s Diet Plan: What She Ate to Shed Extra Pounds

Rapper Remy Ma has had a fantastic weight loss journey, shedding over 40 pounds in months. Her newfound commitment to her health has improved her appearance and overall well-being.

So, what did Remy Ma eat to achieve such excellent results? Let’s take a closer look at her diet plan:

Incorporating Protein and Vegetables

One of the significant changes in Remy Ma’s diet was the incorporation of more protein and vegetables. She focused on lean protein sources such as grilled chicken, turkey, and fish and plant-based proteins such as lentils and beans. Vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, kale, and spinach were also staples in her meals.

Cutting Back on Carbs

Remy Ma significantly reduced her carbohydrate intake to aid her weight loss journey. She eliminated processed and high-sugar foods such as bread, pasta, and sweets from her diet. Instead, she opted for whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat bread, which are higher in fiber and nutrients.

Practicing Portion Control

Portion control played a crucial role in Remy Ma’s weight loss journey. She paid close attention to the size of her meals and made sure to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to keep her metabolism going. This approach can help prevent overeating and maintain steady energy throughout the day.

Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated was also an essential part of Remy Ma’s diet plan. She drank lots of water and avoided sugary drinks such as soda and juice. Adequate hydration can help curb cravings and reduce overeating.

In conclusion, Remy Ma’s weight loss journey resulted from her commitment to a healthier lifestyle through a balanced diet and regular exercise. She achieved impressive results by incorporating more protein and vegetables, reducing carbs, practicing portion control, and staying hydrated.

How Remy Ma Incorporated Exercise in Her Daily Routine

Remy Ma’s weight loss journey consisted of a strict diet and dedication to daily exercise. She incorporated exercise into her daily routine to help support her weight loss goals. Consistency was critical to her success.

Here are some ways Remy Ma made exercise a part of her daily routine:

  • Walking – Remy Ma made an effort to walk as much as possible. She would walk around her neighborhood, in her house, and on the treadmill. Walking was an easy and low-impact way for her to burn calories and stay active.
  • Weightlifting – Remy Ma enjoyed weightlifting at least 3-4 times weekly. She preferred to focus on strength training because it helped her build muscle and increase her metabolism. She started with lighter weights and gradually worked her way up.
  • Cardio – Remy Ma also included cardio in her workout routine. She would do various cardio exercises like running, biking, dancing, or jumping rope for 20-30 minutes.
  • Group Workouts – Besides solo workouts, Remy Ma joined group workout classes such as SoulCycle, yoga, and Zumba. These group workouts gave her a social aspect to exercise and motivation to push herself harder.

Throughout her weight loss journey, Remy Ma prioritized her health and fitness. She made time in her busy schedule to exercise daily and eventually reaped the benefits of her hard work.

Remy Ma’s Struggles and Motivations — Tips for Staying on Track

Remy Ma is known for her incredible weight loss journey, which motivated many of her fans. However, she faced challenges, and she managed to overcome them. This section will examine Remy Ma’s struggles and the motivations behind her impressive transformation. Also, we’ll provide tips for staying on track, which might help those trying to achieve their weight loss goals.


Remy Ma’s weight loss journey was a challenging one. It took her much effort and determination to get where she is now. Here are some of the struggles that she faced:

  • Inconsistent Schedule: As a rapper, Remy Ma’s schedule was always demanding. She had to balance studio sessions, performances, and events, which gave her little time to focus on her health.
  • Unhealthy Habits: Remy Ma had to let go of some unhealthy habits to achieve her fitness goals. She mentioned that she struggled with drinking soda and eating fast food, which is notorious for causing weight gain.
  • Postpartum Struggles: After giving birth to her daughter in 2019, Remy had to start her weight loss journey again. She said getting back in shape after pregnancy was much more complicated than anticipated.


Despite all the struggles, Remy Ma stayed motivated throughout her weight loss journey. Here are some of the motivations that kept her going:

  • Health Benefits: Remy Ma revealed that she wanted to improve her health by losing weight. She mentioned being pre-diabetic and losing weight helped her manage her condition.
  • Family: Remy Ma’s family, including her daughter and husband, significantly motivated her to lose weight. She said she wanted to be healthy and a good example for her daughter.
  • Self-Confidence: Remy Ma admitted that losing weight helped her feel more confident. She mentioned feeling more comfortable wearing clothes she couldn’t wear before and feeling empowered to take on new challenges.

Tips for Staying on Track

Here are some tips that might help you stay on track with your weight loss journey:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Start small and set achievable goals that align with your lifestyle.
  • Make a Plan: Create a meal plan and a workout routine that fits your schedule and preferences.
  • Find an Accountability Partner: Look for someone who can help you stay accountable and motivated throughout your journey.
  • Be Kind to Yourself: Don’t beat yourself up if you have a setback or miss a workout. Remember that it’s a journey, and progress takes time.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Celebrate your small wins along the way, and use them as motivation to keep going.

Remy Ma’s weight loss journey was inspiring, and her story showed that achieving weight loss goals is possible with hard work and dedication. You can also achieve your fitness goals by implementing some of these tips.

The Impact of Remy Ma’s Weight Loss on Her Health and Career

Remy Ma’s weight loss journey has been discussed among her fans and the media. Her commitment to healthy living and fitness has had a noticeable impact on her health and career. In this section, we’ll examine how her weight loss has affected both aspects of her life.

Improved Health

Remy Ma’s dedication to weight loss has resulted in significant health benefits. Shedding unwanted weight has enabled her to lead a healthier lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.