Romesh Ranganathan Weight Loss Journey: His Incredible 60-Pound Weight Loss Secret! (Diet, Before & After)

Romesh Ranganathan is a comedian and TV presenter who gained widespread recognition for his sharp wit and hilarious anecdotes. However, one aspect of his life that has recently caught the attention of many is his impressive weight loss journey.

In 2018, Ranganathan decided to take control of his health and embarked on a mission to shed some pounds. He started by making simple adjustments to his diet and gradually incorporated more physical activity into his routine. As a result, through sheer determination and hard work, Ranganathan lost significant weight over a few years.

Ranganathan’s weight loss journey has inspired many people, and he has been eager to learn more about his strategies to achieve his goals. In this article, we will delve deeper into Ranganathan’s weight loss journey, exploring his initial motivations, lifestyle changes, and impact on his life and career. Whether you’re looking to get in shape or simply a fan of Ranganathan’s work, this article will surely provide valuable insight into his weight loss journey.

Romesh Ranganathan’s Decision to Lose Weight

Romesh Ranganathan, an English comedian, and actor, has been very open about his challenges with his weight. He has been honest and forthcoming about his decision to lose weight and its reasons.

For Ranganathan, losing weight was not just about vanity or appearance but also about his health. After his doctor warned him about his high blood pressure, he realized he had to take action.

The comedian shared his journey on social media and was transparent about how hard it was. He tweeted, “I’ve had days where I’ve cried about how hard it is.” Nonetheless, he persevered and was determined to make a change.

In addition to a healthier diet, Ranganathan adopted a more active lifestyle, incorporating strength training and cardio exercises into his daily routine. He documented his progress on social media, and his followers quickly offered encouragement and support.

Ranganathan’s weight loss journey is not just about his health but also a powerful message to others struggling with their weight. It shows that it is never too late to change and that anything is possible with dedication and hard work.

Here are some key takeaways from Romesh Ranganathan’s weight loss journey:

  • First, the decision to lose weight should be motivated by concern for health and wellness rather than just appearance.
  • Losing weight is hard work and requires dedication and perseverance.
  • Combining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle is the key to sustained weight loss.
  • Social media can be a powerful tool for accountability and support on the journey to weight loss.

In conclusion, Romesh Ranganathan’s decision to lose weight was a significant personal accomplishment that inspired many. In addition, his transparency and courage in sharing his struggles and triumphs motivate others.

Romesh Ranganathan’s Weight Loss Journey

Romesh Ranganathan is a famous comedian, actor, and presenter known for his hilarious jokes and witty humor. However, few people know that he has undergone a remarkable weight loss journey that has transformed his body and helped improve his overall health and well-being.

Ranganathan’s weight loss journey began in 2018 when he realized he had put on a significant weight and was unhappy with his appearance. He weighed around 94 kg (207 pounds) at the time and knew he had to take action if he wanted to get healthier.

Ranganathan drastically changed his diet and exercise regimen to kickstart his weight loss journey. He started adopting a low-carb, high-protein diet that consisted of lean meats, fish, vegetables, and healthy fats. He also cut out sugary and processed foods from his diet and limited his alcohol consumption.

In addition to his dietary changes, Ranganathan began working out regularly to burn calories and build muscle. He engaged in various forms of exercise, such as cycling, jogging, and strength training. He initially found it challenging but gradually adapted to the new routine.

Ranganathan’s dedication to his weight loss journey paid off, and he lost an impressive 23 kg (50 pounds) in just over a year. He maintains his healthy lifestyle today and is committed to staying fit and active.

Ranganathan’s weight loss journey is a testament to the power of determination and hard work. He achieved his weight loss goals by making small but significant lifestyle changes and improving his overall health and well-being.

Dietary Changes that Helped Romesh Ranganathan Lose Weight

Romesh Ranganathan’s decision to improve his health and lose weight was not an overnight process. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and several changes to his day-to-day routine. One of the critical components of his weight loss journey was his diet.

Here are some dietary changes that helped Romesh Ranganathan lose weight:

  1. Reducing calorie intake: Romesh Ranganathan had a high-calorie diet before starting his weight loss journey. He cut down on his calorie intake by reducing the portion sizes of his meals and eating healthier foods that are low in calories.
  2. Introducing more protein: Protein can help reduce hunger cravings, and Romesh Ranganathan added more protein sources to his diet, such as chicken, fish, and tofu. He also paid more attention to protein quality by choosing lean protein sources to help him feel full longer.
  3. Avoiding processed foods: Romesh Ranganathan replaced unhealthy snacks and meals with whole and unprocessed foods. He reduced his sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats intake by eliminating processed foods from his diet.
  4. Reducing sugar intake: High sugar intake can lead to weight gain, and Romesh Ranganathan cut down on sugary drinks and sweets. Instead, he used natural sweeteners like honey in his tea or coffee or ate fruit when craving something sweet.
  5. Including more vegetables and fruits: Adding more vegetables and fruits to his diet helped Romesh Ranganathan reduce his calorie intake and kept him full and satisfied. He made sure to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in his diet to get all the essential vitamins and minerals his body needed.

These dietary changes helped Romesh Ranganathan lose weight, feel healthier, and have more energy. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Exercise and Fitness Regimen of Romesh Ranganathan

Romesh Ranganathan’s remarkable weight loss journey is due to his diet, regular exercise, and fitness regimen. Romesh’s workouts are personally tailored to him and were developed with his personal trainer’s help and his family’s support.

HIIT Workouts

Romesh consistently incorporates High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into his fitness regimen, which involves short bursts of intense exercise and brief recovery periods. HIIT is a great way to burn fat and improve overall fitness levels quickly.

Strength Training

In addition to HIIT, Romesh uses strength training to build lean muscle. Muscle helps burn more calories, even at rest, so this training is incredibly beneficial for weight loss. Romesh’s strength training sessions involve bodyweight exercises and using weights and resistance bands.


Running is a key component of Romesh’s fitness routine, as it offers a great cardiovascular workout and helps to burn calories. Romesh usually runs outdoors and varies his route to keep things interesting. He also sets achievable goals to stay motivated, such as running a certain distance or completing a particular route within a certain time frame.

Yoga and Stretching

Romesh also incorporates yoga and stretching into his routine to complement his intense workouts. Yoga helps improve flexibility, balance, and posture while also providing a mental and physical release from stress.

Romesh’s fitness regimen includes HIIT, strength training, running, and yoga/stretching to ensure he meets his weight loss goals and maintains a healthy lifestyle.

Achievements and Future Plans of Romesh Ranganathan’s Weight Loss Journey

Since Romesh Ranganathan started his weight loss journey, he has achieved some incredible milestones and has plans to continue progressing toward his fitness goals. Here are some of his achievements and plans:

  • Lost over 20 kg: Romesh has shared how he has lost over 20 kg since he made a conscious effort to improve his health in 2018.
  • Encouraged others to make changes too: Romesh’s openness and honesty about his weight loss journey have inspired many fans and followers to make positive changes for their health.
  • Increased physical activity: Romesh has become more active since beginning his weight loss journey. He has started running, cycling, and participating in boxing classes, which has helped him improve his fitness levels and lose weight.
  • Improved mental health: In addition to improving his physical health, Romesh has shared how his weight loss journey has positively impacted his mental health. He has noted feeling more confident, energetic, and overall in better spirits.

Moving forward with his weight loss journey, Romesh wants to continue working on his physical and mental health. He plans to implement a healthier diet and continue his physical activity routine to maintain weight loss. He has also shared his goal of running a marathon, which would be a significant accomplishment and further motivate him to continue his fitness journey.

Romesh’s achievements and plans are a reminder that weight loss is a journey, and progress takes time and dedication. Through his transparency and commitment, Romesh has inspired many to strive toward better health and well-being.


Romesh Ranganathan’s weight loss journey is an inspiring story of discipline and dedication. He went from being overweight to embracing a healthier lifestyle that included regular exercise and a balanced diet. While his journey was challenging, he persevered through his struggles and came out on top.

Here are some key takeaways from Romesh Ranganathan’s weight loss journey:

  • Consistency is key: Romesh made a habit of exercising regularly and sticking to a balanced diet, which helped him see results over time.
  • Find a support system: Romesh’s wife and friends played a crucial role in his weight loss journey by motivating and keeping him accountable.
  • Embrace the process: While goals are important, enjoying the journey and taking pride in your progress is equally important.

Overall, Romesh Ranganathan’s weight loss journey inspires anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. By staying committed and embracing the process, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals and become the best version of themselves.