Susan Calman Weight Loss Journey: Her Incredible 4-Stone Transformation! (Diet, Before & After)

Susan Calman is a Scottish comedian, actress, and writer, well-known for her witty humor and charming personality. In addition to her career in entertainment, Susan has been open about her struggles with mental health and body image over the years. Recently, she revealed that she had undergone a significant weight loss transformation, which sparked great curiosity and intrigue amongst her fans.

After appearing on several high-profile television shows, including Strictly Come Dancing, Susan Calman became a household name in the UK. Despite her success, however, she has always been vocal about her ongoing battle against depression and anxiety. According to Susan, her struggles with mental health have often been closely tied to her struggles with weight and body image.

In September 2020, Susan Calman shared with her followers on social media that she had lost a significant amount of weight, attributing her success to a combination of diet and exercise. Since then, many people have been interested in learning more about Susan’s experience and the methods she used to achieve such impressive results. In this article, we will delve into Susan’s weight loss journey, exploring the challenges she faced along the way, and the strategies that ultimately helped her to succeed.

Susan Calman’s Weight Loss Journey

Susan Calman is a Scottish comedian, actress, and writer known for her lively humor and witty commentary. She has also inspired many in recent years due to her impressive weight loss journey.


Before her weight loss, Calman had struggled with her weight for most of her life. She had tried various diets and exercise regimens, but had never sustained long-term success. However, Calman decided to change after experiencing some health issues related to her weight.

Weight Loss Method

Calman’s weight loss journey involved a combination of diet and exercise. She incorporated more whole foods into her diet and cut back on processed foods and sugar. She also began to exercise regularly, often sharing her progress on social media.

Calman’s Typical Diet

  • Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean protein
  • Limited processed foods
  • Minimal sugar intake

Calman’s Exercise Routine

  • Daily walks
  • Yoga
  • Dance classes
  • Swimming


Calman’s dedication to her weight loss journey paid off, as she was able to lose over three stone (roughly 42 pounds) over a year. Not only did she feel better physically, but she also experienced a boost in confidence and self-esteem.

While weight loss journeys are unique to each individual, Calman’s approach of incorporating healthy eating habits and regular exercise can serve as a helpful guide for those looking to make positive changes in their lives.

Susan Calman is a Scottish comedian, actress, writer, and TV presenter who has been on a weight loss journey for some time. Her diet plan has been an important factor in her success in achieving her weight loss goals.

Her Diet Plan

Calman does not subscribe to any particular diet plan or program. Instead, she follows a simple and sustainable approach to eating well. Calman prefers to focus on healthy, homemade meals rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Some of Calman’s go-to meals include homemade soups, grilled chicken or fish with steamed vegetables, and fresh salads. She avoids processed foods and sugary drinks, opting for water and green tea.

Calman also enjoys occasional treats like dark chocolate or a glass of wine. However, she emphasizes that these are indulgences and not a part of her daily diet.

Calman’s approach to dieting is rooted in balance and moderation. She does not believe in depriving herself of foods she enjoys but in finding healthier alternatives or enjoying foods in moderation.

Calman has also found success in meal planning and prepping. By preparing her meals ahead of time, she can stay on track with her healthy eating goals and avoid the temptation of unhealthy convenience foods.

Calman’s diet plan is about making sustainable choices that work for her lifestyle and goals. By focusing on whole, healthy foods and moderation while still enjoying the foods she loves.

Homemade soupsCalman enjoys making soups from scratch using fresh, whole ingredients like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
Grilled chicken or fish with steamed vegetablesA simple and satisfying meal that is high in protein and fiber. Calman opts for lean sources of protein like chicken or fish and a variety of colorful vegetables.
Fresh saladsCalman enjoys creating salads with a variety of greens, fruits, nuts, and lean proteins like grilled chicken or tofu. She avoids heavy dressings and instead opts for oil and vinegar or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

Susan Calman is known for her recent weight loss journey that has inspired many people. In addition to making healthy food choices, she also incorporates a regular fitness routine into her lifestyle.

Fitness Routine

Calman’s fitness routine includes various activities to keep things interesting and challenging. As a result, Calman has achieved her weight loss goals. These are some of the exercises and activities she enjoys:

  • Running: Calman has been known to go on regular runs to help improve her cardiovascular health and burn calories.
  • Dancing: Calman enjoys taking dance classes as an avid arts supporter. She emphasizes the benefits of dance as a fun and creative exercise that also helps improve coordination and flexibility.
  • Cycling: Whether it’s a leisurely ride around town or a more intense workout on a stationary bike, cycling is another activity that Calman enjoys.
  • Yoga: An increasingly popular exercise for physical and mental health, Calman credits yoga with helping her maintain a positive mindset and reduce stress.

In addition to these specific activities, Calman emphasizes the importance of small lifestyle changes that can add up over time. For example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to work instead of driving.

Keeping her fitness routine varied and enjoyable is important to Calman, as it helps her stay motivated and committed to her healthy lifestyle. She has successfully lost weight and maintained her progress by incorporating a mix of activities and making small changes to her daily routine.

Challenges Faced in Susan Calman’s Weight Loss Journey

Susan Calman is a well-known Scottish comedian, actor, and writer. Over the years, Calman has been open about her struggles with weight loss. In recent years, she has made significant progress toward her goal. However, it has not been an easy journey for her. In this section, we will explore Calman’s challenges in her weight loss journey.

Emotional Challenges

Calman has often discussed the emotional challenges associated with weight loss. In interviews, she has detailed how her weight has affected her self-esteem and self-confidence. She has experienced body-shaming and negative comments from trolls on social media. These comments have made it difficult for her to stay motivated.

Physical Challenges

Besides emotional challenges, Calman overcame several physical obstacles on her weight loss journey. In 2019, she suffered an ankle injury, severely limiting her mobility. This made it difficult for her to maintain an active lifestyle, which is crucial for weight loss. Despite this setback, Calman was determined to continue on her journey. She adapted her exercise routine and incorporated more low-impact activities such as swimming and cycling.

Dietary Challenges

One of the biggest challenges Calman has faced is her relationship with food. In interviews, she has admitted to struggling with binge and emotional eating. She has also talked about her love for unhealthy snacks and takeaway food. To tackle this issue, Calman sought the help of a nutritionist. Together, they created a balanced meal plan to help her lose weight without feeling deprived.

Support System

Calman has been able to overcome these challenges with the help of a strong support system. She has credited her family, friends, and fans for their unwavering support. Calman has also mentioned the importance of having professional help from a nutritionist and personal trainer.

In conclusion, Calman’s weight loss journey has been full of challenges. However, she has remained determined in the face of adversity. With the help of her support system and professional guidance, Calman has made significant progress toward her goal.

Lessons Learned

Susan Calman’s weight loss journey is inspiring and offers valuable lessons to anyone looking to embark on a similar path toward a healthier lifestyle. Here are some of the lessons we learned from Susan Calman’s transformation:

Consistency is Key

Susan Calman’s weight loss success was not an overnight transformation, it was the result of consistent effort put in over a long period. She focused on making small changes in her lifestyle that she could sustain for the long term. Staying committed to your goals and consistently striving to achieve them is important.

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

Susan Calman was not too rigid or hard on herself regarding diet and exercise. She understood that having a balanced approach to life is important and allowed herself to indulge in her favorite foods in moderation. Being kind to yourself and celebrating small victories along the way is important.

Experiment and Find What Works For You

Susan Calman tried different diets and exercise routines before deciding what worked for her. Experimenting and finding what works best for your lifestyle and body is important. Everyone is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. So be open to trying different things and find what works best for you.

Accountability is Important

In Susan Calman’s journey, she maintained accountability by sharing her progress with her fans and followers on social media. This created a sense of responsibility in her to stick with her goals. An accountability partner or support group is important for success in any weight loss journey.

Set Realistic Goals

Susan Calman set realistic goals for herself and worked towards achieving them. However, she did not set unattainable goals that would be impossible to achieve. Setting achievable goals and working towards them step by step is important. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t see results immediately. Weight loss is a journey, not a destination.

In conclusion, Susan Calman’s weight loss journey shows that anyone can achieve their desired results with consistency, a balanced approach, experimentation, accountability, and realistic goals.


In conclusion, Susan Calman’s weight loss journey is a testament to the importance of consistency, determination, and the support of loved ones. By making simple but effective lifestyle changes, such as reducing sugar intake, increasing physical activity, and focusing on mental health, she was able to shed over 4-stone and maintain her weight loss over the years.

Susan Calman’s story inspires anyone struggling with weight loss or trying to make positive changes in their life. It is a reminder that weight loss is not a quick fix but a long-term lifestyle change that requires commitment and perseverance. However, by taking small steps and staying focused on the end goal, it is possible to achieve lasting results.

We hope Susan Calman’s journey has encouraged and motivated you to take steps toward a healthier and happier life. Remember, every journey is unique, and every small progress counts. So keep pushing towards your goals, and remember to celebrate your achievements!