Erica Ash Weight Loss Journey: Diet, Before & After (2023)

We’ve known Erica Ash, a stunning American actress in the series, “Survivor’s Remorse” and “The Big Gay Sketch Show.” She’s been working since the turn of the millennium. During that time, she established herself as a well-regarded comedian and actress. So undeniably, Erica has been in the public eye for some time.

Despite her career’s meteoric rise and fall, her stunning good looks have stayed constant. She is gaining elegance with each passing year. Because of this, others have noticed that Erica has undergone specific changes, including a significant weight drop.

How did Erica lose weight? What are her weight loss secrets? Let’s find out here.

Erica Ash Weight Loss Transformation

Erica Ash, now 45 years old, has yet to undergo significant transformations aside from maintaining her fitting build. Instead, Erica has credited her healthy figure to her daily routine and healthy meal preparations. She also shares her lifestyle tips in her fitness blog.

Who is Erica Ash?

Designer, actress, singer, and comedian, Erica Chantal Ash is also known for her performances on The Big Gay Sketch Clearly Show and MADtv. These brought her widespread recognition. Aside from that, Erica has been in several critically acclaimed films, including American Judy, In Contempt, and Sacrifice. She is well-known not just for her acting career but also for the toned body she maintained well into her forties.

The Atlanta-based actress had first intended to pursue a profession in medicine. After graduating from Emory College with a pre-drug degree, she planned to continue her education in the medical field. But, conversely, Erica had second thoughts after working as a runway model and backing vocalist in Japan.

Photo Credits: Elle

What Motivated Erica Ash to Lose Weight?

The physical transformation we have witnessed in Erica over the years is minimal. However, if you’ve been following Erica for a while, you know she’s now seeing the results of her consistent exercise program. Her regular workout routine has contributed significantly to her slimming down.

Of course, we won’t claim that whatever Erica has done has made her more attractive. She is lovely as she always has been. And we can be confident that her attractiveness will endure regardless of whatever changes she may go through in her weight.

Erica is gorgeous since she adheres to a rigorous exercise routine which we can see its effectiveness in her. She began documenting and sharing her exercise routines in an online fitness blog in 2011.

How did Erica Ash lose weight?

Erica has somehow made a daily routine to keep her fit, healthy and active. So let’s see how here daily fitness plan goes.

At 7:30 each morning, Erica rises and begins her day with some prayer. She believes that prayer has a calming effect on her whole being. Then, around 8:30 in the morning, Erica fuels up on a fruit smoothie and vegetable juice for optimal health.

In the late morning, Erica returns for another smoothie before heading out to yoga at 10:00. She gets on her bike at 3. By 4:35, she’s ready to eat some nutritious meal and chugs down her third smoothie.

This is how Erica used to organize her days back in 2011. Many of her followers were inspired by her weight loss journey. Of course, she may have maintained a different regimen throughout the last decade. But still, we can safely assume she does by how she looks nowadays.

Photo Credits: Kidadl

Has she maintained her weight loss?

The change in Erica after he shed several pounds seems gradual. Before and after pictures of her youth appear quite different from those of her today. Indeed, her regular workouts have sculpted her body into an ideal musculature.

Erica keeps her Instagram fans and followers updated with her daily activities on her account under the handle @theericaash. She seems to deliver motivating lectures in addition to her on-screen work, and her 128k app followers would attest to that.

Erica is also in charge of her own YouTube channel, where she regularly uploads comedic videos and has amassed 645 followers.

Is Erika Ash Sick?

Because of her recent transformation, Erica not only inspired many to start living healthily but also their curiousness if she is currently battling some illness. But, honestly, there has been no official word from the actress regarding her condition.

Every rumor that is out online about Erica is just mere speculation. Although we assume Ash is in excellent health, given her regular exercise routine, we still cannot rule out the possibility of underlying health issues.

In addition, Erica’s physique changes every time she changes her wardrobe. Her body weight may also be influenced by her age, as she seems thinner today than in her twenties and thirties. But, overall, her weight loss seems incredibly natural and not like a result of reconstructive surgery.

Is Maintaining a Daily Routine Really Effective for Losing Weight?

Incorporating fitness routines into your daily plans will aid you in losing weight and improves your overall health and well-being. Morning routines, mainly, are essential since they set the tone for the rest of the day.

A study at Northumbria University, Newcastle, found that people burned up to 20% more body fat when they exercised first thing every morning on an empty stomach. The reason is that the body will begin burning fat stores for energy on an empty stomach, allowing you to continue working out for the whole duration. As a result, you can burn fats faster.

Losing weight, it’s not only about how much exercise you do. It is also about what you do when you wake up, what you decide to do first thing in the morning, and what you eat for the day.

So what makes routines essential for our daily lives? For the simple reason that it doesn’t only keep us healthy and fit but also active and productive. Some people begin their day with a cup of tea, while others go to the gym first. Incorporating daily routines will affect your efforts to lose weight regardless of the reason.